Q: I understand that if the board of directors posts notice for a meeting, and a majority of board members are there, that is a board meeting. However, what if
Property Law
“Estoppel” Fee Explained
Q: I recently contacted my condominium association to get an account status for refinancing my mortgage. I was charged $299.00, which seems like a lot. Is this a valid charge?…
Neighbor Complaint Letters Not Confidential
Q: Our association has a requirement that no cars be parked in the street. I keep receiving letters from the manager saying that keeping a car parked in front of…
Do Robert’s Rules of Order Apply to Community Association Meetings?
I have many times heard complaints from owners (and sometimes board members) that the association is not following Robert’s Rules of Order (“Robert’s Rules”) during their board and/or owner meetings.…
Correcting User Error – How to Handle Construction Defects
As we all know, condominium buildings suffer from wear and tear over time. Not only do communities withstand extreme weather conditions here in Florida, but they also experience extensive use…
An Association’s Response to Those Persons Who May Need Some Additional Care in Living
Some older individuals choose to live out their final years in their personal residences, alone, rather than in nursing homes or assisted-living facilities. Additionally, there are times that other residents…
Questions Linger Regarding the New Law Addressing Building Safety
Q: I read the articles summarizing the new law that addresses building safety for certain condominiums. In my condominium association, the owners are responsible for their windows, not the association.…
State Publishes Mandatory Condo Form
As previously discussed in this column, the Legislature adopted SB4-D effective May 26, 2022. In addition to imposing new requirements for structural inspections for buildings of 3 stories or more…
Neighbor’s Secondhand Smoke A Bother
Q: Can a condominium association ban smoking inside condominium unit? I have discomfort and health concerns related to my neighbor’s constant smoking. (M.C., via e-mail)
A: There is no case…
Notice of Board Meetings Must Be Posted
Q: It is my understanding that board meetings require paper posting of notice on the condominium property. However, our board does not always post notice saying that “they forgot.” What…