Posted by Nydia Streets of Streets Law in Florida AlimonyWhat is an income withholding order in Florida? This is an order that obligates someone’s employer to withhold money from his/her
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Florida family law: reservation of jurisdiction for attorney's fees
Posted by Nydia Streets of Streets Law in Florida Family Law ProcedureWhen attorney’s fees are awarded to one party in a Florida family law case, the next step is to…
Recipes for your weekend
Posted by Nydia Streets of Streets Law in South Florida Family Events and RecipesToday, we celebrate National Guacamole Day! What a great day for some fresh, tasty recipes. Find them…
Florida child custody relief: Stalking injunction versus domestic violence injunction
Posted by Nydia Streets of Streets Law in Florida Domestic ViolenceCan a court award sole custody of children in a Florida stalking injunction case? There is a difference in relief…
Florida family law: Challenging a general magistrate's findings and recommendations

Posted by Nydia Streets of Streets Law in Florida Divorce
When a matter is heard by and ruled on by a general magistrate in a Florida divorce case, there are…
Non-appealable orders in a Florida family law case
Posted by Nydia Streets of Streets Law in Florida Family Law ProcedureCan you appeal any order entered in a Florida family law case? Not all orders are appealable at every…
Attorney's fees in a Florida divorce
Posted by Nydia Streets of Streets Law in Florida DivorceAttorney’s fees in a Florida divorce can be awarded based on the relative financial circumstances of the parties or misconduct in…
Florida domestic violence injunction reversed
Posted by Nydia Streets of Streets Law in Florida Domestic ViolenceA Florida domestic violence injunction must be supported by appropriate allegations. Often, yelling at someone, although unpleasant, is not enough…
International travel costs to effectuate Florida parenting plan
Posted by Nydia Streets of Streets Law in Florida Child CustodyHow are travel costs taken into account when parents do not live in the same state, or even the same…