It’s funny the vast differences acronyms have. On Instagram, “FTO” stands for “flexible time off,” and on Facebook, it stands for the game “Faery Tale Online.” For purposes of this
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What is a patentability search and why should I have one conducted?
A patentability search allows a patent practitioner to assess the likelihood of successfully obtaining a patent with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”). The USPTO may issue a…
COVID-19 Legal Safe Harbor Signed into Florida Law
The Florida House of Representatives passed S.B. 72 in a decisive 83-31 vote, a bill that would give businesses and health care providers a legal safe harbor from COVID-19 injury…
A 360 degree look at COVID-19 in Florida — from the Legislature to the Courts
We are already in February 2021! Can you believe it? Our Tampa Bay Buccaneers were crowned Super Bowl Champs, spring is upon us, yet we are still wearing masks, vaccinations…
As 2020 comes to a close, COVID-19 litigation is not slowing down
In a perfect world, as 2020 comes to a welcomed end by so many, all the vestiges of COVID-19 would also leave with this largely forgettable year. Not to be.…
Trend or Outlier: North Carolina Restaurants, the First to Get Physical Loss COVID-19 Coverage
In the ever-emerging business interruption coverage world, Superior Court Judge Orlando F. Hudson Jr., a North Carolina Judge, ruled that Cincinnati Insurance Company owes a group of restaurants coverage for…
Recent COVID-19 Business Interruption Decision is a Win for Insurers
On July 1, 2020, an Ingham Michigan Judge dismissed a claim of first impression, ruling in favor of an insurer’s decision to deny business interruption coverage due to the finding…
What You Need to Know About COVID-19 and Business Interruption Insurance Coverage
The coronavirus has impacted more than an individual’s health and well-being. In the wake of this global pandemic, many businesses have been impacted — whether it be from an order…
Florida Drivers Be Aware: Texting and Driving is a “Primary” Concern
It is not uncommon to see your fellow Florida motorists, head tilted downward and not on the road, utilizing their mobile device to text while their vehicle is in motion.…